Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Monday, November 24, 2008

The End of Day 1


The day started out alittle rough for me. I didn't get much rest ~ which I'm sure you all understand.. It had snowed here, which was so beautiful ~ I love the snow... but wasn't prepared. Trying to find gloves, snowpants, etc for kids., made me a little late ~ I drive the School Bus, and always like to be there early on days when it snows. Needless to say.. it all worked out ok.

I had trouble trying to save the new Invitations to a CD. This is a new computer for me, and for some reason, it's not reading the drive. I need to read up on this or take it back and ask for help.

The good news is.. I did accomplish my goal of 5 today!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself .
I do have to admit though...I worked my warm market today. People that I have talked to in the past. I think they want to run the other direction when they see me coming, but MPM has changed and improved so much since last year, that I want them to take a second look. Hopefully they will. They are 5 people I would LOVE to have on my Local Team.

I received my package today in the mail from Ginny. It was so much fun~opening something for myself that will improve my life as well as so many others. I love the way she packaged everythng. Thank you Ginny :)

You guys... we CAN do this ~ and we WILL do this!

Was it scary to talk to people? YES, ~ but I DID IT ANYWAY and it feels good.

Gotta run to update the YOUTUBE Video.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :)
End of Day 1

1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

Way to go Debbie! Working your Warm Market was wonderful! You want to build it locally with your family and friends and then extend it out! You can spend ALL your time on your Warm Market if you can reach 5 a day. :) When you run out you know where to find more!

Have fun today!