Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hi Everyone,

I forgot to mentioned that Ginny has allowed us all to be off for the Holidays.

I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Safe 2009!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 17


Didn't have any call backs today, but don't really expect any either. The Holiday is very near. I know for myself, only a few days left until the kids are out of school, and then there is really no way to get much done without them knowing what your doing :)

I saw a couple of people today ~ that I need to call ~they looked so scared like Oh my gosh, I know she's gonna ask me something...I didn't say a word about MPM, I just wanted them to feel comfortable around me like usual. They looked relieved when we just talked about the Snow, Cold, Christmas etc. I get that ~ for now.

I passed out some cards today, didn't get names, I know everyone is out on a mission right now.
That's ok. The new year is almost here and I'm looking so forward to 2009 ~ I still have my dream and am not giving up on it.
Have a great evening,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 16

Sorry, didnt' get much done today. Not feeling well.
The one person who called me back said No Thank You. From 1-10 a 1. Too much like a MLM.
Hopefully, better news tomorrow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 15

Today was not that bad..Started out with another great call. Everyone should listen to these recordings. FOLLOW UP IS KEY AND THE MAJORITY OF US INCLUDING ME ARE DOING IT WRONG. Oh yes, I admit when I'm wrong. Ok, yes this is tough, but it's not impossible. It just takes alittle practice. We will ALL accomplish this :)

I went to get my hair done today. My friend is part owner so I had sent her the letter regarding the Business Partnership Program, but she said they were not interested. That they are not advertising outside anymore. They do alot of in house advertising. What's up with that? Just kidding. I tried to explain ~ which I know Ginny is like WHY, WHY, WHY!
I know I should have just said well if you go back to the presentation, I'm sure you will see the value in this program, and how it can help you. (SORRY GINNY ~ I'm planting seeds right? Ugh!

Ok, moving on people. I talked briefly with a friend of mine who's a mortgage broker. She said she does do some advertising independently from her company, postcards, magnets, etc. So she said she'd look at it over the weekend. I'm feeling pretty good at this point :)

Finally, came home tonight and there's a message on my machine, that a friend of mine at school left. She's the President of the PTC, and said she's sorry she didn't get back to me sooner~ BUT she'd like to talk to me about My Power Mall and that her husband had watched it too! When the husband watches know it's least in my house. LOL!

Guys, I know I've been slow at the start....but I'm feeling REALLY good about the seeds that have been planted. I'm smiling as I'm writing, because I'm LEARNING so much and can see such a bright light at the end of the tunnel :)

I know it's been a slow start for myself and a few others.. but it's gonna be an awesome finish!

Thanks again to all of you who have been so supportive. I read all the comments and am grateful. Your encouragement and well wishes mean more than I can say. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Have a terrific weekend,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 14 Thursday


I wish I new how to change the look of my Blog so you would at least have something different to look at. I will work on it :)

Anyway, I planned on doing more than I actually did.

I have a friend that has Breast Cancer. Last year she helped her sister battle Leukemia while I helped my Mom with Colorectal Cancer. We have a close bond as I'm sure you can imagine. Who new after our family members went into remission this would happen. But we know it all happens for a reason. She came over to give me my Crock Pot back because I had made her some homemade soup to make her feel better. She came at 11:00 a.m. (at my request, because that's the time I get done with my required call) We had some tea, and just talked and talked and finally did some laughing. The conversation lasted quite some time as you can imagine. I really enjoyed every moment with her. I feel very connected and want to help but of course not going through it myself, cannot fully understand the extent of the pain she is going through. Emotional and physical. She did ask what kind of home-based biz I had. I told her last year, but no one really listened to me. Maybe because it's been a year and I'm still here and still excited and motivated, and she needs income quickly. Who knows, I'm just grateful she asked. I told her I was associated with an organization called Together We Can Change The World and that I worked for the My Power Mall Division. She was very interested. She's not working at the moment, so of course money is really urgent at this point. I happened to have my Mall up on the screen and showed her all the stores, etc. I told her how wonderful this was to make money, but also more importantly it is what I am using to help change the World. I meant it when I said it. She got it. I emailed her the link and I will follow up. Don't want to press because treatment starts Monday.

Talked to one lady who sells cosmetics, she didn't even know about the company she works for is on our mall. She's going to look at it. It would be a great additional soure of income for her. (Thanks for the tip Tim :) )

Then at the end of the day, I saw a letter pinned up. It was from a Mortgage Company letting everyone know how low the rates are right now. I looked at the signature on the bottom. It was a woman I know. Her son played Football with my son. Light bulb moment here. I'll let you know how that would be awesome to get a Mortgage Company the rest would follow.

So far, not having any luck with follow ups, seems tougher with the businesses. Maybe it's just my town. Not sure on that. I'm trying to get over feeling like a sales person. Do I want to help people? More than anything. Do I feel like I am. Some days I do, some days I don't... I'm planting seeds, that 's what's important :) I love this businesses and everything about it. I might not be the best sales person in town, but I have a caring heart, and I believe that will guide me where I need to go.

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 13

Hi Everyone,

I'm running for sports for kids but just wanted to update quick.

Today was another great call. I spent time looking in my local papers for people to contact.
I did get an answer from the Video Store in town. I've called her 4 or 5 times. She told me to keep calling back, so I did. Today she said she hasn't had a chance to look and when she does she will call me if interested. I'm great with that ~ Someone finally gave me an answer.

Another contact I had emailed me today and said she was hoping to watch it today. But was very busy.

Contacted a lady that does Jewelry shows. Maybe she'd be interested in the advertising.

At least a couple acknowledgments today.

I actually got a chance to shop (from my Mall of course, I thought I'd better get started).

Gotta run....I feel good that someone actually said something to me today. I don't even care if it wasn't a "Sign me up" it was acknowledgement :)
Have a good evening.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 12

Today was a very bad weather day here in Wisconsin.

Couldn't really get out much today. Went online trying to research where I can find out who's contributing to the Food Pantry here ~ so I can contact them about My Power Mall. Didn't see anything on-line must be private. I get a good neighborhood paper tomorrow and will go through it to see if there are any Craft Shows, or Trade Shows etc. If so, see if I can go and interest them in the $15.95/mo. advertising their business with our Local Merchant Mall.

I Contacted a friend, from our children's school. I mentioned that I was invloved with a company that I was having alot of fun with and thought she may be interested as well. I mentioned it would be a great fundrasier for school too. The other contacts today were Realtors, we shall see.

The calls are really helping, each day there is something new to try. Different angles to approach Businesses & People. Please try to listen to the recordings if you are following along. They are most helpful.

I'm getting alittle confused because I'm not sure which approach to use. I've sent so many letters out with the original format, and I haven't gotten any response really good or bad. The second batch, I added a sentence to reflect the advertising for the one time fee of 29.95 and then just the 15.95 a month. Will follow up on those in a day or so, maybe that will spark interest. I emailed Barb fmy letter for help. She reminded me to pick a focus, the letter I'm using is trying to do all things at once. I guess there really was no need for them to watch the Business Presentation in the first letter or the second letter I sent right away. That would be something they can do later. I understand that now. I have to get myself together and figure out what approach to use.

I did go on the Local Merchant Mall and couldn't find where the Businesses Register. I saw it yesterday ~ and now it's gone. That's VERY important if they want to sign up right away. I will find out the answer so I can move on.

I think I'm going to go out and try to talk to regular people again at the store etc...
Maybe Eleanor's approach will work for me.
Hi my name is Debbie would you do me a favor?
Would you answer 3 questions for me?

1.What would you do if you had an extra $2000?

2.What would you do if you had an extra $2000 every month?

3. I'm with an organization called Together We Can Change The World. I work in the My Power Mall division. We earn rebates while we shop for things we buy everyday anyway. Would you share your name, email addresses and phone number with me so that I can send you some information on you can achieve this goal?

Tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and ready for a new day :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 11

What a great call today ~ Thank you Ginny ~ We so needed that for a Monday morning. Barb was fantastic! Today I sent out more letters regarding the Business Partnership Program. This time I added a sentence ~ If I could show you a way to advertise to 150,00 people in over 200 countries for a one time fee of $29.95 and then just $15.95 a month ~ would that interest you?

I'm hoping that will get a second look.

It's a Monday. Hard to reach people. One of my follow ups did say she was going to watch, but didn't get a chance....too busy with the holidays. I did send a link to a friend who invited me to a Candle Party this week. Haven't heard from her her yet. Another follow up from a friend and President of our PTC Board hasn't had an opportunity to check it out either. Regarding Businesses and Realtors ~Haven't spoke with anyone but left messages. I don't think anyone wants to talk today. I understand.. but tomorrow is Tuesday and a whole new day (we just have weather issues here in WI)

After the call, I remembered that I had a nice lady under one of my Malls that has another business. I quickly emailed her to let her know that if she upgraded to a WCM, she could get all that great advertsing, plus if she got too busy with her other business to shop ~ that $15.95 would work for her One Purchase A Month. She thanked me and told me she would check into the WCM. I hope it is a good fit for her.

I also had a couple more people I emailed but they haven't responded, I asked if I could send them the link ~ waiting to hear from them to count them in my 5.

I'm also going to contact the rest of my team and mention the same to them regarding if they have another business to check out the WCM for the advertising benefits.

To hear there will be no charge to Non-Profits was so exciting. Ginny, you are awesome!

Sorry, gotta close here.. my Mother called and said somone stold her wallet today. Credit cards etc. they wiped out her checking account~ ugh!

Have a nice evening.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday ~ Day 10

Very happy it is FRIDAY!!!!!! Ginny, so happy your feeling better. Most of us needed your talk today. Thank you VERY much :) Still working on the Business Partnership Program.

It was below Zero here today with the wind chill, good day for follow-ups. I still have contacts who said they still hadn't looked at the website but thought they would have time over the weekend. I think contacting someone 3 times, (phone, email, cell phone) and they don't return your call is enough in my book. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I had people not in, or gone for the weekend, I left voice mails etc.

I did e-mail quite a few Free E-Books, to contacts who said, "not interested" or "I'm not looking and not interested", or "thank you but no" or "I'm too busy".

Was foutunate to talk to a nice girl at the Laundry Mat, she didn't know if the owner saw the letter yet. I told her I would send her some info and maybe she might be interested in My Power Mall. I will follow up with her later.

I did get a hold of one very nice Realtor on his cell phone today who actually said he hadn't received the letter but he gave me his email address and said he would take a look at it over the weekend. I know in my heart, if I can get ONE Realtor with me on this.....they all talk and would at least check it out. That's the most frustrating part. The majority of people won't even take the darn time to look at it. But, that's not for me to worry about I guess, I can only offer the information, and hopefully if they don't join today, they will join in the future.

I may be down, but I'm not out ~ this town hasn't seen nothin yet. LOL!

Have a great weekend everybody,

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Had the call this morning which I ALWAYS look forward to. It really helps me start my day in the right direction :)

I went to my friends house after the call and stayed over there a bit to get her up and rolling with her Mall.

Made numerous phone calls. Left messages on cell phones this time, no call backs yet. One Real Estate Agent told me to call early in the A.M. most of the agents are there in the office. I'll try that tomorrow, plus he said he would make sure he views the Business Partnership Plan and to call him next week. Hey, I'm not complaining.. at least he said he would look at it.

Drove around town and dropped off some more letters to businesses. Will see how his works.

I did have one contact today. She is a very nice lady who is on the Parent Teacher Committee at School as well as a friend of my sons. She told me she's very busy shopping, (of course we can help with that)... but she will try to view this weekend.

Many calls again for tomorrow. Started making my spreadsheet today ~ should keep me much more organized :)

Have a nice evening,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 8

After having some computer problems this evening ~ I finally have 30 min before the deadline at 11:00pm here for my report. Whew! Just made it.

I went to the Grocery store this morning, and only had to get two items. As I was coming out of an isle, there was a nice lady down the way pointing and smiling at me. I thought oh, FINALLY, this must be my sign.. she's actually smiling and pointing I better go with it ~ she's the one, she will be my first World Changer!... As I got closer she said "oh sorry, you look like my sister, she's in here somewhere" I just laughed and said "No problem, if I see anyone that looks like me, I'll let them know where you are" we both chuckled for a moment. I came back a few moments later. Now were in the same checkout isle. I've never seen her before ~ which like I mentioned earlier.. you usually now most people in the store here. She checked out. She was still standing there waiting for her Sister to eventually be done shopping. I'm thinking ~ ok, I've already talked to her.. she seems very nice, I hear the voice in my head "JUST ASK HER THE QUESTION" I told her I was in this Reality Boot Camp and needed to talk to 5 people a day about My Power Mall. Would she have a moment to listen. She said yes, I explained that we earn rebates for shopping for things we buy everyday anyway. As soon as we got to the exchanging information part.. she said sorry I don't give out my information and I'm not interested ~ BUT my Brother-in-law is the Rebate King! Ok, I'm thinking this is could still work for me. I gave her my Boot Camp card to give to her Brother-in -law.. who knows, maybe he will be my first~ we will see.

Next I made some follow up calls, from what I can gather, I mailed my letters to late in the day, They hadn't received them yet. I will call again. When it comes to Realtors, I only called the Office. My emails were rejected, and I didn't feel it was professional to call their cell phones.

I started getting alittle discouraged (only for a moment guys) and then I check my email. A wonderful friend of mine who lives a few houses away, wrote me and said ok, sign me up! I was so thrilled. She said it was because of my enthusiasm and determination that she'd seen for the last year. Wow, did that feel awesome :) She is starting with a Personal Mall and that is just fine with me. This is a friend who means the world to me ~ we used to talk about solving life's problems :) Now were not gonna talk about it ~ we can help make a difference with My Power Mall. I'm going over tomorrow to help her with her first purchase.

It's exciting because like Ginny says, of course we want every person, business owner, etc. to join us NOW, but will we be upset if someone we know joins us in 2months, 6 months, or 1 year from now.? I can tell you that answer honestly and it is NO for me. Because I've mentioned My Power Mall to her a few times in a year.. it stuck with her and I'm again so thrilled she's joined us ~ Welcome Erin :)

Finally, I'm really getting disorganized, I don't know if anyone else is, but I have soooo many papers spread all over my Dining Room it's ridiculous. I did ok for a few days, but now I'm out of control LOL! I have to start a spread sheet ~ one for Businesses and one for other contacts. I need to REALLY watch my follow up dates. Any one else having this issue?

Looking forward to another day,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 7 Tuesday


Today I spent the morning on the call, mailed out 10 more letters to businesses ranging from Video Stores to Real Estate agents to a Hair Salon to Insurance Agents. I'm not going to be able to keep up with the stamps at the rate I'm going. Hope I can generate some World Changes out of the 20 letters I've sent out in two days.

I went and talked to the lady in charge of the Twin Lakes Food Pantry. I thought she should know what I was up to ~ so when they get the call that some lady is sending out letters and running around town saying she can help the Food Pantry, I just wanted them to know that I'm legit and a real person. I gave her a copy of the letter I was sending to the businesses in town ~ it's from our Business Partnership Program along with my Business Card. I mentioned a bit about My Power Mall. I explained that I was involved with an organization called "Together We Can Change The World"~ and that I worked in the"My Power Mall" division. I didn't say much, I just mentioned that My Power Mall was a way that we earn rebates on our everyday purchases, and and that I was hoping that I could get the whole community to join My Power Mall so I could bring them a check very soon. She was busy, but took the time to stop for a moment and listen to me. I think she was waiting to see what I was going to ask of her, or charge her etc. I made it clear that they didn't need to do anything if they didn't want to. She was very grateful ~ and wished me luck.

Wow, when I truly sit down and stop for a moment, it's amazing to see what we are really accomplishing you guys. Again, I go back to when I first saw My Power Mall. It was to good to be true. I could actually make money for my family and help others at the same time. It's all coming together. Why does it takes some people soooooooooooo long to comprehend and others it only takes a moment to understand how awesome this is? Ginny, I can't imagine how many times you have gone over this~LOL!

A follow up with one of my contacts, a good friend of mine, did tell me that she thought My Power Mall "sounds interesting" I will see her tomorrow at work. I'm hoping to strike up this conversation again. I'd love to have her on my team :)

The contact I got today was the wife of a contact I had received the other day~ a gentleman I know. I saw his wife today and she mentioned that she saw my World Changer Reality Boot Camp card on her table and that her husband hadn't had time to look at it yet. She was willing however to exchange her info with me and she would enjoy taking a look at it. She is truly a wonderful person. I hope she sees how amazing My Power Mall is and signs up soon ~ another wonderful asset to our team :)

I'm hoping every one is back in the swing of things from the Holiday and I will get more feed back tomorrow.

I'm following up with the 10 businesses/Real Estate Agents I sent letters to on Monday.
Wish me luck. I hope I have great news for you tomorrow.
Have a great evening.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 6

Hi Everybody,

Today I woke up, happy and refreshed. We had a snow storm last night. I love the snow, but I don't like to drive in it. I still had to drive the School Bus~alittle scary, but we just go slow. Everyone arrived to and from school safely.

Over the weekend, I talked to Ginny and she is allowing me to be in the Business Partnership Program. The purpose of the program is to bring businesses into partnership with TWCCTW & My Power Mall in order to provide ongoing funding for a local charity, provide ongoing funding for the business owner & employees, and to provide ongoing funding for the member who initiates the partnership. This partnership will also give the businesses an opportunity to make a difference in their communities and to gain free exposure as a TWCCTW partner to all My Power Mall members.

This program will be an additional, powerful way for members to build their businesses if they have a hard time making contacts, or just feel more comfortable talking with local business (You all know, that is me Ginny's talking about me~LOL!)

I put together a list of 100 contacts, names, addresses, phone numbers and email address (if they had one) of businesses in my town~ . Yes, I actually came up with 100. I couldn't believe it. Then, I snail mailed & emailed to 10 businesses today. I will follow up in a couple of days. I'm very interested to see what kind of reaction I get. I'm optimistic it will be a favorable one :)

I actually got two contacts today. Two ladies I work with. It just kinda happened :) I love the way the Universe works!. I'm hoping they give My Power Mall a serious look ~ I think they would really enjoy it.

Thank you all for your encouraging letters & phone calls. It means the world to me ~ it helped me wake up today with renewed energy to get it done :)

Have a nice evening,

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 5

Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't written for a few days. I've been struggling ALOT with this Boot Camp. I come from a small community~everyone knows everyone. I 've been talking to alot of the same people that I mentioned My Power Mall to last year. I still get the same response. They don't seem to care, and I feel like they are all running from me. I couldn't get in the car any longer driving in circles trying to find someone to share this wonderful opportunity with. It just didn't feel fun anymore.

I couldn't sleep and I truly did agonize over my decision to quit the Boot Camp. I've never ~
considered myself a quitter, and this was truly agonizing for me~considering I did ask to be in the Boot Camp, plus Ginny asked me three times if I was sure. Of course I was sure, so I thought.

I wrote a letter to Ginny and Jacki, explaining my situation and that this was not fun for me anymore. I wanted to wake up and feel happy and alive by sharing My Power Mall with people. And that's not what I was feeling.

Luckily for me, Ginny is a wonderful and caring person. She truly does not want any of us to feel like a failure. She will do anything to help us succeed. She wants us to be happy and enthusiastic about sharing My Power Mall. Ginny has always said, she wants this Businesses to be for EVERYONE. So, with that said...

Ginny called me personally ~WOW! ~ I still can't believe I talked with her for about a 1/2 hour, just like old friends.. she is wonderful you guys :) Ginny has come up with a new plan to help me (bless her heart :) I will share it all with you on Monday. Until then, have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3

I have to say, today has been a tough day for me. I got my 5 YESTERDAY, but it was tough. My girlfriend came home from the hospital (she has breast cancer we found out last week) I made some homemade soup for her and brought it over. We talked for along time. It was a nice evening, but I felt so sad and so drained. She is the 6th person I know that has Cancer this year. I have to do something for Cancer Research with one of my malls. That seems obvious to me.

I haven't got much sleep like the rest of us. Today I woke up with a sore throat etc. Basically, SO WHAT. No excuse!

Started out the day helping my son on a huge project for school. We have been putting it off for some time, because of Football. Footballs over and now with the Boot Camp, I've been telling him we will do it tomorrow and then the next day would go by and so on. I felt horrible about that. So I made sure we got started today. It's a work in progress.

Earlier in the day I had talked to a friend and mentioned that if she had time, I had some information for here regarding My Power Mall. She had asked me a few questions in the past, so I felt ok asking her. We talked about the kids acting up today, etc.. then she said she was off to go uptown shopping for Thanksgiving. I was walking out the door too, and was hoping to bump into her. My first stop was the Grocery store. I looked all over for her, but she wasn't there. The mood in the store felt very unapproachable. Everyone was in such a hurry~ no one would really look at you they were in a race to get their stuff and get home. I don't blame them. I was at the checkout and ran into a friend I hadn't seen in awhile. I use to buy Mary Kay from her. She was actually happy to see me because she stopped Mary Kay and switched to another company. I told her I'd be happy to look at her products ~ and of course I asked if she would be willing to help me out and check out the information on the Card. She looked at it and paused ~ I did mention the American Express Gift Cards for here at the Grocery store and she quickly replied that she uses the Script cards from school. I understand that..she's helping the school, but she didn't hang around long enough for us to talk any longer. I was going to tell her she could get rebates and help the school with MPM. Hopefully during the following up we can talk more.

Now, I'm still on the hunt in town for the first friend I had talked to earlier in the day. I went to get gas and as I was pumping it...I spotted her at the car wash, it's funny now when I think of it because I didn't approach anyone at the Gas station I just hurried up got in the car and went across the street. I pulled up behind her and she yelled as she was washing "Are you stalking me?" I laughed and said "AbsolutelyYES LOL! I waited and started cleaning out my car until she was done so I could hand her a card. She took quite a while. As I was waiting I found enough quarters to wash my own when she was done so it didn't look like I truly was stalking her.

Finally, I gave her my card and told her I was in the Boot Camp and asked if she would check out My Power Mall. She asked when I was going to sit and explain it to her. I said I didn't need to. There was a 1/2 million dollar presentation all ready and waiting for her that could explain everything much better than I could. Although I'd be happy to sit and help her through the Mall :)

Finally, I was leaving town and realized I had to turn around and go to the Pharmacy to pickup some Zicam for my cold (love this stuff!). I turned around and parked in the lot right next to her again! She asked again if I was stalking her I assured her this time it was a No.

There's a nice woman at the Pharmacy (Cashier) I always talk to but for some reason have never mentioned My Power Mall to her. I asked if she would help me out by being one of the 5 people I need to talk to about MPM. She listened about the shopping, but then I remembered what Ginny said this morning about helping a local charity. So I mentioned I was going to help the Food Pantry in town. She was happy to give me her information. Thanks for a great idea Ginny :)

So, I only got 3 today. Pretty disappointed in myself for ALONG time today. But then I remembered to be thankful for the 3 that I had received. I need to spend time with hubby too! I miss him. I will just have to get 7 on Friday. I BELIEVE I CAN DO IT!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Today I spent the day following up with my 5 contacts from yesterday, by sending out e-mail, phone calls, etc. So far no sign ups. Have not heard back from everyone as of this writing.

I did contact my 5 today. Maybe it will be my lucky day!

One in particular stood out. I FINALLY got my computer fixed....was able to download the Invitation to a CD. I brought it to the Print Shop. The lady behind the counter was having a bad day. Both the machines were acting up. I wasn't in a hurry so I told her to take her time. She helped me quite a bit since I had never taken a CD to the Print Shop ~ I'm alittle old school ~ still learning :) I asked her if she ever heard of My Power Mall and she said no. She saw the Invitation of course and I explained how much fun I was having with My Power Mall. Before I knew it, her mood had changed. I enjoyed leaving her knowing her day was alittle bit brighter. I didn't even ask her any questions. She handed ME her card with all her information. That was fun!

No signups as of yet....I refuse to get discouraged ~ I'll just have to work harder tomorrow!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The End of Day 1


The day started out alittle rough for me. I didn't get much rest ~ which I'm sure you all understand.. It had snowed here, which was so beautiful ~ I love the snow... but wasn't prepared. Trying to find gloves, snowpants, etc for kids., made me a little late ~ I drive the School Bus, and always like to be there early on days when it snows. Needless to say.. it all worked out ok.

I had trouble trying to save the new Invitations to a CD. This is a new computer for me, and for some reason, it's not reading the drive. I need to read up on this or take it back and ask for help.

The good news is.. I did accomplish my goal of 5 today!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself .
I do have to admit though...I worked my warm market today. People that I have talked to in the past. I think they want to run the other direction when they see me coming, but MPM has changed and improved so much since last year, that I want them to take a second look. Hopefully they will. They are 5 people I would LOVE to have on my Local Team.

I received my package today in the mail from Ginny. It was so much fun~opening something for myself that will improve my life as well as so many others. I love the way she packaged everythng. Thank you Ginny :)

You guys... we CAN do this ~ and we WILL do this!

Was it scary to talk to people? YES, ~ but I DID IT ANYWAY and it feels good.

Gotta run to update the YOUTUBE Video.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :)
End of Day 1

My 1st Day of Boot Camp

Hi Everybody,Today's the first day of Boot Camp ~ I'm still nervous.. I can't believe it.

Last night I was up way too late trying to figure out how to Blog and put a video on YOUTUBE. I finally figured it out LOL! So, I'm starting off the day pretty tired (not exactly what I planned, but life would be pretty boring if it always went according to the plan :) Ok, I've driven the bus for the morning....the kids were at school and I had complete silence for the call. Thank goodness.

The conference call was great! Ginny did all the talking for this first call. Whew, did that take some pressure off.

We learned about the Power of 5.

We were told that we will be receiving a package in the mail with 5 Magic Power Beans. We are to read the following every day OUTLOUD:

MY MAGIC POWER BEANS I hold in my hands the power to change my life.

I hold in my hands the power to create all that I envision.I hold in my hands the ability to take the mundane and create baffling results.

I hold in my hands the ability to take 5 little beans and grow them into magnificent symbols of power.

I hold in my hands the ability to step beyond my fears and act with courage.

I hold in my hands the ability to draw people into my world because of the love and belief I have for them.

I hold in my hands the ability to create financial freedom for all that enter my life.

I hold in my hands the ability to CHANGE THE WORLD!

Today, I will plant my seeds. Today, I will take action. Today, I will live my best life!

You keep all the beans in your right pocket. When you have approached someone and gotten their name, email address and phone number, that counts a 1 and you put that bean in your left pocket ~ As soon as all the beans are done.. Your done contacting your 5 for the day :)

So, we need to talk to 5 people a day from our LOCAL area in hopes that we will have one new World Changer a day out of the 5. Do this for 5 days and the goal is 5 World Changers a week!

Ginny made it clear that this is a people business. We need to get out and talk to the people. Not just sit on our computers.

She also has some new Boot Camp Invitation Cards that we can put on a disk to take to the local printer ~ where are my kids when I need them? I just spent more time trying to figure out how to do that LOL! Never did get.. they will be home later to help me with that.

So in the meantime,, here I go to get my 5 for the day :)

Day 1

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Journey Begins


I just found out that Ginny Dye, the Founder and CEO of My Powermall and Together We Can Change the World, chose me as one of the lucky 25 people to join her along with Jacki Varacalli in the first $2,000 in 60 Days World Changer Reality Boot Camp . I'm still shaking as I'm typing. I'm very nervous, but so excited to show the World that YES ~ you can make money with My Powermall. It is doable by anyone and we are going to prove it! I will be updating my Blog daily to let you know what the challenge of the day was and how I accomplished it. I'm so looking forward to working and learning from the best so I can achieve the goals I have set for myself with MPM, as well as show others how to attain their goals.

My fellow MPM members we are here to help each other. There a so many people who need our help and we will be able to show them the way to achieve financial freedom quickly as well as help so many Non-Profits along the way~ by shopping for the things we buy anyway. MPM is a wonderful company with a BIG HEART.

This is going to be so much fun. Can't even imagine the fun challenges Ginny has up her sleeve for us.

Our first assignment is to write a BLOG. Here it is.. never done anything like this before. I'm not a writer.... I'm sure you can tell, so please bear with me.

We also have to make a video and post it on YOUTUBE. Never done that either.

I better get to it :)

I still cannot believe that Ginny and Jacki included me in this opportunity of a lifetime. Come with me on this incredible journey.

Until tomorrow....
