Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hi Everyone,

I forgot to mentioned that Ginny has allowed us all to be off for the Holidays.

I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Safe 2009!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 17


Didn't have any call backs today, but don't really expect any either. The Holiday is very near. I know for myself, only a few days left until the kids are out of school, and then there is really no way to get much done without them knowing what your doing :)

I saw a couple of people today ~ that I need to call ~they looked so scared like Oh my gosh, I know she's gonna ask me something...I didn't say a word about MPM, I just wanted them to feel comfortable around me like usual. They looked relieved when we just talked about the Snow, Cold, Christmas etc. I get that ~ for now.

I passed out some cards today, didn't get names, I know everyone is out on a mission right now.
That's ok. The new year is almost here and I'm looking so forward to 2009 ~ I still have my dream and am not giving up on it.
Have a great evening,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 16

Sorry, didnt' get much done today. Not feeling well.
The one person who called me back said No Thank You. From 1-10 a 1. Too much like a MLM.
Hopefully, better news tomorrow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 15

Today was not that bad..Started out with another great call. Everyone should listen to these recordings. FOLLOW UP IS KEY AND THE MAJORITY OF US INCLUDING ME ARE DOING IT WRONG. Oh yes, I admit when I'm wrong. Ok, yes this is tough, but it's not impossible. It just takes alittle practice. We will ALL accomplish this :)

I went to get my hair done today. My friend is part owner so I had sent her the letter regarding the Business Partnership Program, but she said they were not interested. That they are not advertising outside anymore. They do alot of in house advertising. What's up with that? Just kidding. I tried to explain ~ which I know Ginny is like WHY, WHY, WHY!
I know I should have just said well if you go back to the presentation, I'm sure you will see the value in this program, and how it can help you. (SORRY GINNY ~ I'm planting seeds right? Ugh!

Ok, moving on people. I talked briefly with a friend of mine who's a mortgage broker. She said she does do some advertising independently from her company, postcards, magnets, etc. So she said she'd look at it over the weekend. I'm feeling pretty good at this point :)

Finally, came home tonight and there's a message on my machine, that a friend of mine at school left. She's the President of the PTC, and said she's sorry she didn't get back to me sooner~ BUT she'd like to talk to me about My Power Mall and that her husband had watched it too! When the husband watches know it's least in my house. LOL!

Guys, I know I've been slow at the start....but I'm feeling REALLY good about the seeds that have been planted. I'm smiling as I'm writing, because I'm LEARNING so much and can see such a bright light at the end of the tunnel :)

I know it's been a slow start for myself and a few others.. but it's gonna be an awesome finish!

Thanks again to all of you who have been so supportive. I read all the comments and am grateful. Your encouragement and well wishes mean more than I can say. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Have a terrific weekend,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 14 Thursday


I wish I new how to change the look of my Blog so you would at least have something different to look at. I will work on it :)

Anyway, I planned on doing more than I actually did.

I have a friend that has Breast Cancer. Last year she helped her sister battle Leukemia while I helped my Mom with Colorectal Cancer. We have a close bond as I'm sure you can imagine. Who new after our family members went into remission this would happen. But we know it all happens for a reason. She came over to give me my Crock Pot back because I had made her some homemade soup to make her feel better. She came at 11:00 a.m. (at my request, because that's the time I get done with my required call) We had some tea, and just talked and talked and finally did some laughing. The conversation lasted quite some time as you can imagine. I really enjoyed every moment with her. I feel very connected and want to help but of course not going through it myself, cannot fully understand the extent of the pain she is going through. Emotional and physical. She did ask what kind of home-based biz I had. I told her last year, but no one really listened to me. Maybe because it's been a year and I'm still here and still excited and motivated, and she needs income quickly. Who knows, I'm just grateful she asked. I told her I was associated with an organization called Together We Can Change The World and that I worked for the My Power Mall Division. She was very interested. She's not working at the moment, so of course money is really urgent at this point. I happened to have my Mall up on the screen and showed her all the stores, etc. I told her how wonderful this was to make money, but also more importantly it is what I am using to help change the World. I meant it when I said it. She got it. I emailed her the link and I will follow up. Don't want to press because treatment starts Monday.

Talked to one lady who sells cosmetics, she didn't even know about the company she works for is on our mall. She's going to look at it. It would be a great additional soure of income for her. (Thanks for the tip Tim :) )

Then at the end of the day, I saw a letter pinned up. It was from a Mortgage Company letting everyone know how low the rates are right now. I looked at the signature on the bottom. It was a woman I know. Her son played Football with my son. Light bulb moment here. I'll let you know how that would be awesome to get a Mortgage Company the rest would follow.

So far, not having any luck with follow ups, seems tougher with the businesses. Maybe it's just my town. Not sure on that. I'm trying to get over feeling like a sales person. Do I want to help people? More than anything. Do I feel like I am. Some days I do, some days I don't... I'm planting seeds, that 's what's important :) I love this businesses and everything about it. I might not be the best sales person in town, but I have a caring heart, and I believe that will guide me where I need to go.

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 13

Hi Everyone,

I'm running for sports for kids but just wanted to update quick.

Today was another great call. I spent time looking in my local papers for people to contact.
I did get an answer from the Video Store in town. I've called her 4 or 5 times. She told me to keep calling back, so I did. Today she said she hasn't had a chance to look and when she does she will call me if interested. I'm great with that ~ Someone finally gave me an answer.

Another contact I had emailed me today and said she was hoping to watch it today. But was very busy.

Contacted a lady that does Jewelry shows. Maybe she'd be interested in the advertising.

At least a couple acknowledgments today.

I actually got a chance to shop (from my Mall of course, I thought I'd better get started).

Gotta run....I feel good that someone actually said something to me today. I don't even care if it wasn't a "Sign me up" it was acknowledgement :)
Have a good evening.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 12

Today was a very bad weather day here in Wisconsin.

Couldn't really get out much today. Went online trying to research where I can find out who's contributing to the Food Pantry here ~ so I can contact them about My Power Mall. Didn't see anything on-line must be private. I get a good neighborhood paper tomorrow and will go through it to see if there are any Craft Shows, or Trade Shows etc. If so, see if I can go and interest them in the $15.95/mo. advertising their business with our Local Merchant Mall.

I Contacted a friend, from our children's school. I mentioned that I was invloved with a company that I was having alot of fun with and thought she may be interested as well. I mentioned it would be a great fundrasier for school too. The other contacts today were Realtors, we shall see.

The calls are really helping, each day there is something new to try. Different angles to approach Businesses & People. Please try to listen to the recordings if you are following along. They are most helpful.

I'm getting alittle confused because I'm not sure which approach to use. I've sent so many letters out with the original format, and I haven't gotten any response really good or bad. The second batch, I added a sentence to reflect the advertising for the one time fee of 29.95 and then just the 15.95 a month. Will follow up on those in a day or so, maybe that will spark interest. I emailed Barb fmy letter for help. She reminded me to pick a focus, the letter I'm using is trying to do all things at once. I guess there really was no need for them to watch the Business Presentation in the first letter or the second letter I sent right away. That would be something they can do later. I understand that now. I have to get myself together and figure out what approach to use.

I did go on the Local Merchant Mall and couldn't find where the Businesses Register. I saw it yesterday ~ and now it's gone. That's VERY important if they want to sign up right away. I will find out the answer so I can move on.

I think I'm going to go out and try to talk to regular people again at the store etc...
Maybe Eleanor's approach will work for me.
Hi my name is Debbie would you do me a favor?
Would you answer 3 questions for me?

1.What would you do if you had an extra $2000?

2.What would you do if you had an extra $2000 every month?

3. I'm with an organization called Together We Can Change The World. I work in the My Power Mall division. We earn rebates while we shop for things we buy everyday anyway. Would you share your name, email addresses and phone number with me so that I can send you some information on you can achieve this goal?

Tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and ready for a new day :)