Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 14 Thursday


I wish I new how to change the look of my Blog so you would at least have something different to look at. I will work on it :)

Anyway, I planned on doing more than I actually did.

I have a friend that has Breast Cancer. Last year she helped her sister battle Leukemia while I helped my Mom with Colorectal Cancer. We have a close bond as I'm sure you can imagine. Who new after our family members went into remission this would happen. But we know it all happens for a reason. She came over to give me my Crock Pot back because I had made her some homemade soup to make her feel better. She came at 11:00 a.m. (at my request, because that's the time I get done with my required call) We had some tea, and just talked and talked and finally did some laughing. The conversation lasted quite some time as you can imagine. I really enjoyed every moment with her. I feel very connected and want to help but of course not going through it myself, cannot fully understand the extent of the pain she is going through. Emotional and physical. She did ask what kind of home-based biz I had. I told her last year, but no one really listened to me. Maybe because it's been a year and I'm still here and still excited and motivated, and she needs income quickly. Who knows, I'm just grateful she asked. I told her I was associated with an organization called Together We Can Change The World and that I worked for the My Power Mall Division. She was very interested. She's not working at the moment, so of course money is really urgent at this point. I happened to have my Mall up on the screen and showed her all the stores, etc. I told her how wonderful this was to make money, but also more importantly it is what I am using to help change the World. I meant it when I said it. She got it. I emailed her the link and I will follow up. Don't want to press because treatment starts Monday.

Talked to one lady who sells cosmetics, she didn't even know about the company she works for is on our mall. She's going to look at it. It would be a great additional soure of income for her. (Thanks for the tip Tim :) )

Then at the end of the day, I saw a letter pinned up. It was from a Mortgage Company letting everyone know how low the rates are right now. I looked at the signature on the bottom. It was a woman I know. Her son played Football with my son. Light bulb moment here. I'll let you know how that would be awesome to get a Mortgage Company the rest would follow.

So far, not having any luck with follow ups, seems tougher with the businesses. Maybe it's just my town. Not sure on that. I'm trying to get over feeling like a sales person. Do I want to help people? More than anything. Do I feel like I am. Some days I do, some days I don't... I'm planting seeds, that 's what's important :) I love this businesses and everything about it. I might not be the best sales person in town, but I have a caring heart, and I believe that will guide me where I need to go.

God Bless,


Big Z and his Mom said...

You can't go wrong when you have a caring heart and a sincere intention to help others. It's not about sales when you're helping others. It's about listening to their needs, wants and don't wants. You offer, then you listen. You're genuine, and that is what will come through. It's "attracting" people, not selling them. Good luck!

Ginny Dye said...

Hi Debbie,

I had a huge smile on my face as I read your Blog. You have refound your passion and love. Congratulations! The doors will continue to open as you look for those people who need what we have to offer. We'll continue to give you the tools you need with the businesses and your confidence will continue to grow.

I believe in you SO much!

Tina Katz said...

You are planting the seeds. It will grow. Look! your friend is looking at it differently now. there will be more to follow. Keep it up! You can do it!
I am a breast cancer survivor for 7 years now. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend. This would be perfect for her because it will get her to focus on something good and pure. She will come in contact with many medical people through her treatments. It can be her way of making lemons out of lemonade by making a difference.
Tina from new york