Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 8

After having some computer problems this evening ~ I finally have 30 min before the deadline at 11:00pm here for my report. Whew! Just made it.

I went to the Grocery store this morning, and only had to get two items. As I was coming out of an isle, there was a nice lady down the way pointing and smiling at me. I thought oh, FINALLY, this must be my sign.. she's actually smiling and pointing I better go with it ~ she's the one, she will be my first World Changer!... As I got closer she said "oh sorry, you look like my sister, she's in here somewhere" I just laughed and said "No problem, if I see anyone that looks like me, I'll let them know where you are" we both chuckled for a moment. I came back a few moments later. Now were in the same checkout isle. I've never seen her before ~ which like I mentioned earlier.. you usually now most people in the store here. She checked out. She was still standing there waiting for her Sister to eventually be done shopping. I'm thinking ~ ok, I've already talked to her.. she seems very nice, I hear the voice in my head "JUST ASK HER THE QUESTION" I told her I was in this Reality Boot Camp and needed to talk to 5 people a day about My Power Mall. Would she have a moment to listen. She said yes, I explained that we earn rebates for shopping for things we buy everyday anyway. As soon as we got to the exchanging information part.. she said sorry I don't give out my information and I'm not interested ~ BUT my Brother-in-law is the Rebate King! Ok, I'm thinking this is could still work for me. I gave her my Boot Camp card to give to her Brother-in -law.. who knows, maybe he will be my first~ we will see.

Next I made some follow up calls, from what I can gather, I mailed my letters to late in the day, They hadn't received them yet. I will call again. When it comes to Realtors, I only called the Office. My emails were rejected, and I didn't feel it was professional to call their cell phones.

I started getting alittle discouraged (only for a moment guys) and then I check my email. A wonderful friend of mine who lives a few houses away, wrote me and said ok, sign me up! I was so thrilled. She said it was because of my enthusiasm and determination that she'd seen for the last year. Wow, did that feel awesome :) She is starting with a Personal Mall and that is just fine with me. This is a friend who means the world to me ~ we used to talk about solving life's problems :) Now were not gonna talk about it ~ we can help make a difference with My Power Mall. I'm going over tomorrow to help her with her first purchase.

It's exciting because like Ginny says, of course we want every person, business owner, etc. to join us NOW, but will we be upset if someone we know joins us in 2months, 6 months, or 1 year from now.? I can tell you that answer honestly and it is NO for me. Because I've mentioned My Power Mall to her a few times in a year.. it stuck with her and I'm again so thrilled she's joined us ~ Welcome Erin :)

Finally, I'm really getting disorganized, I don't know if anyone else is, but I have soooo many papers spread all over my Dining Room it's ridiculous. I did ok for a few days, but now I'm out of control LOL! I have to start a spread sheet ~ one for Businesses and one for other contacts. I need to REALLY watch my follow up dates. Any one else having this issue?

Looking forward to another day,


Ginny Dye said...

YEAH!! Congratulations Debbie! I am so very proud of you and I know how badly you need to have someone locally join you on your journey. Please read Vern's BLOG. He'll give you some great tips on how to succeed with the Business Partnership Program.

I believe in you!


Anonymous said...


Sorry I didn't get your emails. Here is my email address, any way I can help you I will be glad to.