Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 6

Hi Everybody,

Today I woke up, happy and refreshed. We had a snow storm last night. I love the snow, but I don't like to drive in it. I still had to drive the School Bus~alittle scary, but we just go slow. Everyone arrived to and from school safely.

Over the weekend, I talked to Ginny and she is allowing me to be in the Business Partnership Program. The purpose of the program is to bring businesses into partnership with TWCCTW & My Power Mall in order to provide ongoing funding for a local charity, provide ongoing funding for the business owner & employees, and to provide ongoing funding for the member who initiates the partnership. This partnership will also give the businesses an opportunity to make a difference in their communities and to gain free exposure as a TWCCTW partner to all My Power Mall members.

This program will be an additional, powerful way for members to build their businesses if they have a hard time making contacts, or just feel more comfortable talking with local business (You all know, that is me Ginny's talking about me~LOL!)

I put together a list of 100 contacts, names, addresses, phone numbers and email address (if they had one) of businesses in my town~ . Yes, I actually came up with 100. I couldn't believe it. Then, I snail mailed & emailed to 10 businesses today. I will follow up in a couple of days. I'm very interested to see what kind of reaction I get. I'm optimistic it will be a favorable one :)

I actually got two contacts today. Two ladies I work with. It just kinda happened :) I love the way the Universe works!. I'm hoping they give My Power Mall a serious look ~ I think they would really enjoy it.

Thank you all for your encouraging letters & phone calls. It means the world to me ~ it helped me wake up today with renewed energy to get it done :)

Have a nice evening,

Looking forward to tomorrow.

1 comment:

zzmel said...

Hi Debbie:

In a way I almost feel that I am in this bootcamp as well. I kind of guess I can make it my own bootcamp in a way. By the way, thanks for your email and it is nice to know there are people who do care. Looks like you had a nice day. Keep up the good work.