Together We Can Change The World

Together We Can Change The World

Why not begin your visit here with a song in your heart.

The following song was written for us and truly shows the heart behind our company and our family of members.


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Had the call this morning which I ALWAYS look forward to. It really helps me start my day in the right direction :)

I went to my friends house after the call and stayed over there a bit to get her up and rolling with her Mall.

Made numerous phone calls. Left messages on cell phones this time, no call backs yet. One Real Estate Agent told me to call early in the A.M. most of the agents are there in the office. I'll try that tomorrow, plus he said he would make sure he views the Business Partnership Plan and to call him next week. Hey, I'm not complaining.. at least he said he would look at it.

Drove around town and dropped off some more letters to businesses. Will see how his works.

I did have one contact today. She is a very nice lady who is on the Parent Teacher Committee at School as well as a friend of my sons. She told me she's very busy shopping, (of course we can help with that)... but she will try to view this weekend.

Many calls again for tomorrow. Started making my spreadsheet today ~ should keep me much more organized :)

Have a nice evening,


Ginny Dye said...

Hi Debbie,

I'm very proud of you for taking ACTION. As long as you're pumping that handle you will find the people who will build with you. Set your eyes on your goal, approach every person you meet with love & enthusiasm, and you will begin to achieve the results you are working for.

I believe in you!

Therese said...

Hi Debbie...Told you I would be watching your blogs...Had a day or two interim, and all I can say is WOW!! I FEEL your enthusiasm and just know it will be catching. A thought...Did you ever think of FAXING businesses, instead of or in conjunction with snail mail?..even CALLING each business first to introduce yourself and to get or confirm the information re: email AND street addresses, fax # and a contact NAME. That gives you FOUR different WAYS, to be remembered, before the final attempt to make an appointment... Sometimes this information, in WHOLE or in PART can be found on their business advertisement in your local community shopper/circular. And that brings up another thing, that even I MUST pick up on again. You can approach the OWNERS of flyer delivery services (if there is such an animal in your area)..owners of the Penny Saver, Community Shopper/Weekly, Coffee News, etc. If you can get THEM to become WC, THEY can advertise their OWN MALLS for their UNUSED advertising space that they use to try to solicit for a new advertiser.

Anyway, I am THRILLED that you up and running. NO slumps for you!! As TWCCTW members, using MPM, we are part of a MOVEMENT....A MOVEMENT~~~ to CHANGE LIVES, make a DIFFERENCE, which is a far cry from just ANY on-line shopping network. There is NO COMPARISON. You are certainly doing your part to lay the FOUNDATION for a MOVEMENT that is only a YEAR AND A HALF OLD....that's all. We can't even IMAGINE the GOOD that it will bring to the WORLD. Hard to wrap your brain around it. THRILLING!!! Keep it goi'n girl. Kudos to you as you keep on keep'n on..Cheering for you..Therese